Are you Focusing TOO MUCH on the Positive?

I am hearing a lot about this concept, "focusing on the positive." In fact, it has become annoyingly overused and misunderstood. I had an ex who used to say this to get out of taking responsibilty for his various misdeeds. "Andrea, you are being negative. Focusing on what I did wrong is unhealthy for you." Never mind that "what he did wrong" was "cheating on me." Somehow, I was at fault because I was being negative? Twisted logic and twisted people have made this their mantra, and I am calling an end to it. Sometimes things ARE negative, and it's time we stop using our spiritual vocabulary to weasel out of our lessons. My ex is long gone, but I still hear people misusing this phrase all over the place. IMG_0770

The other day I saw an interesting quote (my apologies as I can not remember who said it, or I would give them proper credit!): "Focusing only on the positive causes you to miss a lot of things." I agree with this 100%. Sometimes we need to recognize when we have made a bad choice, and hurt other people. I guarantee you, if you don't, karma will hunt you down, there is no hiding. I used to be a very different person, 5 years ago. I made some really bad choices, and, as a result, people were hurt. I am STILL paying my karmic debt for this, and each time it comes up, it is easier and easier to really roll with it, and understand that I have to take responsibility for what I did, EVEN THOUGH I am different now. A mistake that hurts people still deserves an apology. Just because you "didn't mean to do it," or "it was an accident," or even "I was drunk," does not change the fact that you DID IT.

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If you find yourself constantly having to apologize, perhaps it is time to start making different choices. I think this is inherent to the process of maturing. Some people may never grow up, and that is completely their problem. But, for those of you who are reading this and recognize that you would like to attract different energy into your life, be aware that you are NEVER a victim. What you reap is ALWAYS what you sow, whether it is immediate, or has delayed consequences. Think about it: When you are having a bad day, everything that happens, and everyone you run into, is in congruence with that energy. On the other hand, when you are having a good day, sending out smiles and happy energy, you are more likey to receive that back. Some days, I have to fake it, but I am extremely aware that when I can separate from that dissapointing news I received, or the barking dog next door, I can leave it behind me much more quickly than if I marinate in it, and let it fester in my mind. The more you become aware of what you are putting out there, the easier it will be to put out "good vibes," and become conscious of your own behavior. You CAN break the pattern!

Having said all that, it IS important to find a balance between being delusional, and sabotaging yourself. As with many theories and spiritual concepts, taking it the the extreme on either end is unhealthy, and ultimately, not going to get you what you really want. Changing thoughts and intentions from negative to positive is a good shift for most of us.

If you would like some assistance or need help with a specific issue, email me for your FREE consultation! Blessings to you on this beautiful day!