Everything is Energy

As many of you know, I am in the process of writing a book about the tools I teach and use in my life on a daily basis. I want to share the process with you, so I have decided to post some excerpts from what I have so far. Please enjoy and feel free to give feedback of any kind if you feel led to do so.

Everything is a Picture

Energy is everywhere; from the heart of the earth, which beats beneath us every day, to the outer edge of the known galaxy, which twinkles above us. You have likely heard at least one person talk about Auras and Chakras, and Essential Oils and Crystals are common in most places. These things all carry a frequency, which is a Vibration, resonating with us on an energetic level. Even the scientific communities agree that everything is energy; therefore, it stands to reason that learning to manipulate energy will give you the power to create anything you desire.  

When you smell something “bad”, this is an energy that does not resonate with you. A worker in a landfill once told me that the trash “smelled like strawberries” to him. He found joy in his job; therefore, he created a positive association with it, which translates into “smelling sweet”. This is why some people like the smell of roses, while others do not care for it. I had a client who did not like the smell of roses, and when we looked at the energy on it, she realized that it was a negative association for her, since her grandmother had a rose garden, and was unkind to her.  

The same can be said for food, which is why so many people have differing food preferences, it is often why junk food is termed “low vibration” and you crave it when you are feeling “bad”. When I first tasted kombucha, I almost gagged at the taste, but even a few sips created a very positive association in my body, and I felt so good, that it quickly became one of my favorite beverages. Soda makes me feel sick, and I have a negative association in how it makes my body feel, so I have zero interest in consuming it. I have created an association with how I feel after consuming each beverage, and my body resonates with the energy of the kombucha.  

In the world of energy, we store energies in the body when we have experiences. This can range from very pleasurable, to very uncomfortable, depending on the experience, and how it was received by the person. This energy is called a “Picture” because we desire to view this energy as neutrally as possible, not assigning a label of “good”, or “bad, but merely an existing block of energy. As you can imagine, traumatic experiences create very painful Pictures, and happy, fun experiences create very joyful, “good feeling” Pictures.  

Many years ago, as I was first beginning my spiritual journey, I experienced a very uncomfortable energy in my heart chakra (center of chest). I was working with a wonderful energy worker at the time, and I called her immediately. Together, we ascertained that this was a Big/Core Picture, associated with energy I had stored in my heart chakra, from a trauma in my childhood. She saw it releasing a black tar like substance, and we dubbed it the “Black Heart Attack”. It stayed with me for four days, and was one of the most painful Pictures I have ever moved. On the last day of excruciating pain, I was finally able to rest, and I had a vision of a reel of film rolling away from me, down the street of my dreams. An actual roll of Pictures was released! I awoke the next morning feeling much better. Physical pain is another way Pictures manifest, and often you will hear people discussing their physical pain as a mystery: No one seems to know what is “wrong” with them. Energy can create lots of different types of distortions in the body, and it is always worth investigating.  

Early in my journey, I discovered that every physical manifestation of pain, disease, dysfunction, or illness has an energetic attachment. In recognizing this truth, we can effectively eliminate any of these physical manifestations, using affirmations and mindful practices. For instance, perhaps you find yourself feeling depressed. In the world of energy, these Pictures stem from focusing on the past, and are generally linked to past trauma. Practicing forgiveness and having compassion for others, allows you to do the same for yourself. In doing so, this frees up energies which have been keeping you from living the life you truly wish for yourself. When you are focused on the past, which you cannot change, you are not present and living in your truth.  

I know and trust that those who need to see this, will; it is part of my journey, and I have been led to share it.

Much Love and Many Blessings your way!


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